Day 14: 5/29/10 Effingham, IL to Crawfordsville, IN

Click below for today's route and ride stats:

Little Pink Houses

Great day of riding today.  Much improved over my rather worrysome trek yesterday, all better now!  We rode into Indiana about mid-ride today, Crossroads of America and home of Mr. Mellencamp, so naturally had some of his tunes running through my head throughout the day.

These last few days through Illinois and Indiana have been planned on less traveled roads and have taken us through much of small town America.  It is sad to see that many of these towns are clearly struggling, lots of vacant storefronts, dilapidated buildings and homes and such.  Yet, some of the people we have come into contact with couldn't be more friendly and interested in what we are doing.  It makes me think about how truly fortunate most of us are.

Headwinds again all day today to about 15 mph.  No no, not complaining.  Today I worked in several pace lines which help to minimize the amount of effort required to push into the wind.  As a result of these efforts, we completed our 159 mile day on the early side at just after 4 pm, 5pm local time as we switched into eastern time after crossing into Indiana.

Warm again today.  PAC Tour goes through a great deal of ice each day.  After 10:00 or so each morning, most riders start by filling thier water bottles with ice and then add water or Gatorade to them to provide cooling relief until the next rest stop.  Rest stops are generally spaced between 25 and 30 miles apart, which translates into short breaks about every hour and a half to two hours or so.  I forgot to get insulated bottles, so my ice typically is melted about 20 minutes or so after leaving a rest stop.  By the time I get to the next stop, any leftover water or Gatorade is typically hot, and very unappetizing, especially if it is mixed with some of the protien powder I usually add to provide additional calories.  Mixed with purple Gatorade, it usually has the consistency and look of dirty bath water.  Yuck!

Now here's something I am embarrassed to confess.  In the afternoons, I usually slack back a bit on calories during the hotter portion of the day and go with one bottle of Gatorade and one bottle of straight ice water.  I will sip on the ice water and occasionally squirt some on my back and legs to provide some evaporative cooling.  Well, wouldnt you know it, I got my bottles mixed up and wound up dowsing myself with Gatorade.  Got real sticky of course, so I essentially became human flypaper.  Didnt catch any flys but plenty of gnats.  Especially good to get back to a nice shower this afternoon.

Hoping for another "easier" day tomorrow, again lower milage and predominatly flat as we pull into the western edge of Ohio in Greenville where I hope to meet up with a friend.  Hard to believe there are only five riding days ahead until we reach our destination in Williamsburg.  After tomorrow, we have some really tough days ahead.  Hopefully the legs can make the final push!

Here are a few pics I snapped today.

Ice Ice Baby.  The happening spot at everey rest stop.

Ducking the wind in a pace line.
A good place to be on a day like today.

Hey kids, they even have a Medieval Times out here.
Actually, it's Eastern Illinois University.

Susan out for a spin this afternoon.

Crossing the Vermillion River

1 comment:

  1. Jon: Just learned today that you were doing this. what an accomplishment to have just gone this far. Will catch up on your previous postings and then will follow you to your final destination. Bill Keel
