Day 15: 5/30/10 Crawfordsville, IN to Greenville, OH

Click below to review today's route and ride stats:

Slow Turnin

Today's Sunday ride was the last of potential "recovery" rides until some of the real work begins as we press on for the finish in Williamsburg on Thursday.  I took this opportunity today to ride at an easy pace and enjoyed the day immensely.  From the start this morning, I found myself in a pace line of about 10 whcih was rocketing down the road like it was the Indy 500 or something.  I came to the front for one turn of pace setting and then dropped to the back and watched the group dissapear into the distance.

Given today's milage was only 140 from Crawfordsville, IN to Greenville, OH, we had the opportunity to ride at a very slow pace and have no problem making it to the finish before evening.  Since I have been having trouble finding my legs these past few days, a nice and easy pace was hopefully just what I needed.  Lynn and later on, John dropped back having the same idea. 

Since we were traveling just north of Indiannapolis, we were on some lightly traveled local roads whcih had very good riding surfaces.  We saw a number of other cyclists out for thier Sunday rides as well.  A couple of them stopped at our second SAG stop after seeing all of the bicycles and trailers and were curious as to what we were doing.  We put a good plug in for PAC Tour and made sure they left with a post card so perhaps we may see them on a tour on down the road.

Late in the day, we departed Indiana (thanks, you were great!) and entered Ohio where we will be spending two nights, the first, just over the boarder in Greenville, and tomorrow night in Athens, about 176 miles from Greenville.  I have not looked at the route profile for tomorrow, but the amount of climbing is advertised at 5,800 feet, which should be a good warm up for what appears to be two brutal days in West Virginia and Virginia.  I am imagining that we will begin tomorrow with much of the flat profile we saw in Indiana but start to see some climbs later in the day as we approach Athens.  Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow and having a good ride.  The forecast calls for rain, so it may be a bit of a nasty slog.  We shall see!

Also had a visit from my friend E who hangs out in Fenton MI.  A PAC Tour veteran many times over, E has traded his road bike in for a real machine, the BMW motorcycle pictured below.  I suppose he did need to do more speed work.  We had a great visit and he was able to catch up with other PAC Tour friends from rides past.  PBP in 2011 - will we see a return of the Taveirnimator?

Here are a few pics I snapped today:

Beautiful, quiet, winding country roads in Indiana.

What's cookin' Wayne?

Hello Ohio!

E left his Titan Flex at home and brought out the real muscle
- the Bavarian Mud Wagon

PAC Tour Vehicle 1

Pac Tour Vehicle 2

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